
Below are just a handful of the many sources cross-referenced for the information provided on this site.  It’s important to us that what we’re delivering is current and simply the best information out there.   If you’re looking for even more in-depth information on whiplash accidents and whiplash injuries, here’s our favorite sources to get you started. . .



The Spine Research Institute of San Diego


The Spine Research Institute of San Diego is committed to providing research and education in the area of spinal health and injury prevention. They are especially concerned about cervical spine injuries that result from whiplash trauma.  In addition to their own research, they constantly monitor and synthesize literature from around the world. They provide educational seminars, printed materials, educational multimedia presentations, software, videotapes, audiotapes, poster systems, and much more.

Spine Research Institute of San Diego, Inc.
2731 Via Orange Way, Suite 105
Spring Valley. CA 91978-1747


Insurance Institute for Highway Safety


The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety is an independent, nonprofit, scientific and educational organization dedicated to reducing the losses – deaths, injuries, and property damage – from crashes on the nation’s highways. The organization is wholly supported by auto insurers.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
1005 N. Glebe Road. Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22201 USA


The Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine


The AAAM is a professional multidisciplinary organization dedicated entirely to motor vehicle crash injury prevention and control.  It was founded in 1957 by the Medical Advisory Committee to the Sports Car Club of America by six practicing physicians whose avocation was motor racing. These physicians had the vision to recognize the need for clinicians to be directly involved in public policies and programs governing injury control for the general motoring public. In I964, the bylaws were rewritten to give full and equal membership status to professionals who were not physicians. This action recognized that understanding injury and its prevention requires a broad-based approach.

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
P.O. Box 4176
Barrington, IL 60011-4176




Whiplash Injuries: the Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration Syndrome (3rd edition)

By: Stephen M. Foreman, Arthur C. Croft

This was the very first comprehensive textbook on whiplash, and remains the defining authority for scientific information and a cutting-edge synthesis of thousands of published documents and conference proceedings. Organized into 12 chapters, with 581 pages, numerous tables, and hundreds of illustrations, it covers the subject like no other textbook. Greatly updated in its 3rd edition (2001), it continues its 17th year as a bestseller and is widely used in chiropractic, medical, osteopathic, and biomechanical engineering schools.


or here



Basic Vehicle Motion Analysis

By David N. Dresser
ISBN: 1930056176
This text details the 180 most common equations that accident reconstructionists use in their field.  Not a reconstructionist?  This book gives you the basic vocabulary that you need, as well as examples with each equation. This book is a handy reference for the reconstructionist as well.


or here:



Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries: Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Management

By Lawrence S. Nordhoff
ISBN: 0834207273

Automotive Injury Research Institute.  Pleasanton, California.  Interdisciplinary reference on the clinical management of mild to moderate motor vehicle collision injuries. Discusses mechanisms of injury, treatment, legal implications, and insurance aspects.


or here:





Journal of Whiplash & Related Disorders

ISSN: 1533-2888

The Journal of Whiplash & Related Disorders focuses on the newest treatment options for this widely misunderstood
and frequently mistreated condition and delivers up-to-date information on the subject, gathered from available literature and respected authorities in the field. Each issue contains informative articles written by leading professionals, practitioners, and researchers covering issues of interest to those who provide care to patients with whiplash injuries and the victims themselves.


(Note: this one may be tough for you to get if you don’t have paid, journal-viewing privileges).


Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

ISSN: 01614754
The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (J MPT) is dedicated tot he advancement of chiropractic
health care. It provides the latest information on current developments in therapeutics. as well as reviews of clinically oriented research and practical information for use in clinical settings.  The journal’s editorial board includes some of the world’s leading clinical low-back and spine researchers from medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, and post-secondary education,

JMPT, the premier biomedical publication in the chiropractic profession, publishes peer-reviewed original articles, case
reports, journal abstracts, commentary. and new media reviews.

Readers include chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists, physiatrists, radiologists, and sports medicine specialists.  JMPT is the only chiropractic journal included in Index Medicus. It is also indexed and abstracted in Current Contents / Clinical Medicine and Index to Chiropractic Literature.



State of the Art Reviews

Cervical Flexion-Extension Whiplash Injuries, Hanley and Belfus, Barnsley, Spine. Sept. 1993, p. 329.






This 12-minute EMMY-nominated DVD/VHS features Dr. Arthur Croft as host of a brief discussion of the whiplash phenomenon.  He takes the patient on a guided tour from crash scene to hospital ER, and then to the chiropractor’s office, where he discusses radiographs, healing, and other important topics.



Machine VS. Man 1

Each year the Spine Research Institute of San Diego conducts full scale crash tests at its San Diego proving grounds during CRASH.  Over the years, these tests have included frontal crashes, rear-end crashes, sideswipes, side impact crashes, head-on crashes with airbag deployments, and high speed rear impacts.

The Machine vs. Man DVD and videotape features 25 car-to-car crashes with male and female volunteers (yikes!) in low speed rear, frontal, sideswipe. high-speed with airbag deployment, and side impacts. They are filmed in full color, and most feature multiple views including on-board, off-board, medium-range and close-range shots, as well as high speed
film and video for clear slow motion playback. In many cases, close-up footage is also provided of the bumpers to demonstrate that – in most cases – no permanent structural damage to the vehicle results in the low speed crashes.



Machine vs. Man 2

The Machine vs. Man 2 DVD features 28 car-to-car crashes with male and female volunteers, as well as the new biofidelic RID2 crash test dummy, in low and high-speed rear, frontal, side impact, and high-speed head-on with airbag deployment.  None of the footage of Machine vs. Man 1 is duplicated.   As with Machine vs. Man 1, all crash tests are filmed in full color, and most feature multiple views including on-board, off-board, medium and close shots, as well as high speed film and video for clear slow-motion playback.

Together. the two DVDS now provide a total library of 53 crash tests. Each crash testis slated with an introductory screen which provides the initials of the volunteer, the closing velocity, the resulting change in velocity (delta V), and the subjects head linear peak acceleration in the x-axis (in accordance with the SAE right hand coordinate convention). Moreover, most subsequent footage is also labeled with these crash parameters and, in most cases; a description of any resulting structural damage is superimposed on the footage. This DVD-ROM comes with two PDF tiles containing an affidavit (Jurat)of authenticity, and an extensive fact tile which catalogs the various phenomena that can be observed in each of the individual clips (ramping, head restraint geometry, shoulder displacement, gender variances in kinematic effects. etc.), as well as a complete technical description of the equipment used in the crash testing and filming, and the vital statistics on all volunteers and vehicles.

Ordering information:

Spine Research Institute of San Diego, Inc.
2731 Via Orange Way, Suite 105
Spring Valley. CA 91978-1747


Additional On-Line Resources


Chiropractic Research Review



National Highway traffic Safety Administration



Society of Automotive Engineers






Brain Injury Association of America



International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury